108 was great! I needed a joyful day, and I got one. Cottonwood, Sedona, over a BIG climb into Flagstaff and a nice tail wind while on the interstate all afternoon got us all safely (1 flat for me and many many more for others) into Winslow, AZ. The roads were the total range from smooth to unrideable. Riding out tomorrow for a biggy (130) to Gallup, NM and a new state.
130 miles and made it to New Mexico! We all tried out riding a storm and lost :)) so we had a nice break in a gift shop diner. Otherwise, a pretty smooth ride (another float). In Gallup and heading to Albuquerque tomorrow, where 5 members of our group will end their trip (America Fast South leg). These 5 were terrific to meet and get to know.

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